Make a chat app with Svelte + Firebase v9 Part 2

Make a chat app with Svelte + Firebase v9 Part 2

Now we want to make a chat app right? But first, we need a database. In Firebase, we generally use Firestore as our database. Let's set it up first!

Setting up Firestore

In the Firebase console, you'll see many options on the left-hand side of your screen:


Click on Firestore database. You'll see a screen like this:


Click on create database. Now start it in test mode, we can update it later.

Now choose a location. You can choose any location you want!


Now click on enable. It will take a couple of minutes.

Now start a new collection!


Give the collection a name. I'll call it messages. Then click on next.


Now give it an id. You can also use auto-id.

Now add some fields:


Here we have 3 fields, the name of the purrson🐈, the message, and the time. The time is the number of milliseconds passed since 1 January 1970.

Connecting the Firestore DB to the app

Let's first import these things:

import {
} from "firebase/firestore";

So what is the use of these? We'll know later.

First, let's get the DB

const db = getFirestore();

Next, let's get a reference to the collection messages:

const col = collection(db, "messages");

Now let's export these and go to App.svelte to use these:

export { si, so, col, addDoc, auth, onSnapshot };

Now to App.svelte. Let's import the things we exported fromfirebase.js.

 import { si, so, col, addDoc, auth, onSnapshot } from "./firebase";

Let's make a variable data.

let data=[];

Now we'll use the onSnapshot function of Firebase to retrieve the data. It runs first when the application is loaded at the start and runs again if there is a change in the database.

So let's fetch the data:

onSnapshot(colRef, (snapshot) => {
  let books = [] => {
    books.push({, id: })

Now we'll get the data. Now let's use an each loop of Svelte to show it on the UI.

{#each data as { message, purrson, time }}
  <div class="cont">
    <p>{new Date(time).toUTCString()}</p>

Here, we are turning the time to Date

Thanks for reading! Hope you all like it. Meet you in part 3!

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