This is how much Maths you need as a Web developer when starting out

How equations can open new doors for you

We all know at some point or the other, we have to use some Maths in Web development. It may just be some simple arithmetic, but you may use some complex features in the future. So here's how much Maths you need as a Web developer:

Type 1: Basic Web development

You don't need much Maths here, just some logical thinking skills.

Test it!

To test your logical skills, I think one of the best ways is to make a map like this:


To make this, use the API. Then add some Maths spiceπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹. Also, I have hosted it here:

Type 2: 3D and Effects

image.png (I made it πŸ˜‹πŸ€€)

This is the part where you require Maths a lot. You can easily use some library for all the Maths, but having just a basic grasp of trigonometry and coordinate geometry will be helpful( I mean super helpful). Also, some physics may be good for certain things.

Type 3: Algos

I know nothing about it! I mean nothing! cricket noises

So you definitely don't need much Maths for Web development. So that's it! This blog may be boring, but I was lazy so, yeah see u all later!